Project Manager - European Development (m/f)

Job Category

Job Location

Expiration Date

19 Sep 2024
ARTE continues to implement its European development strategy with the aim of becoming the European cultural platform. ARTE's offering is available in 6 languages (English, Spanish, Polish and Italian, in addition to French and German) on all of the channel's digital platforms and third party platforms, and is made possible by European co-financing.
Your responsibilities
  • Contribute to the implementation of initiatives within the framework of ARTE's European strategic development guidelines. 
  • Draft institutional documents for the organisation's bodies and external partners.
  • Manage ARTE's network of European partner channels and contribute to its development in collaboration with the relevant teams: regular follow-up of partnerships, organisation of events, monitoring of the relevant audiovisual markets.
  • Coordinate ARTE's participation in European or transnational networks and set up an international monitoring system.
  • Contribute to the preparation of applications for European funding and the follow-up of projects.
Your strengths
  • You are familiar with the European audiovisual media and you know how to manage a professional network at European level.
  • You are committed and able to work independently.
  • You are known for your writing skills, your ability to analyse and summarise, your multicultural approach and your interpersonal skills.
Your profile
  • University degree in political or social sciences or equivalent.
  • Significant experience in the media, audiovisual and/or cultural sector. 
  • Fluent in written and spoken German and very good knowledge of French and English.
  • Good general knowledge.
ARTE in Strasbourg offers you:
A full-time permanent contract, to be filled as soon as possible, in the European Partnerships and Funding Development and European Offerings departments.
Are you interested in joining a dynamic European company? Apply here:
Send us your application by 8 September 2024 at the latest.
The ARTE Group firmly believes that a multiplicity of talents and backgrounds is a strength and is committed to diversity and inclusion.
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