Event Assistant

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

30 Sep 2024

About us

Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, which has been consistently ranked among the world’s top 10 best think tanks. One of CEPS’ distinguishing features is its strong in-house research capacity and an extensive international network of partner institutes. CEPS’ funding comes from a variety of sources, mainly research grants and service contracts, but also from membership and conference fees.

The events and membership department is currently looking for an

“Event Assistant  – Temporary

Main tasks


  • Draft sponsorship contracts
  • Send invitations to conference attendees
  • Keep the list of speakers and invitees up to date
  • Book travel and accommodation for speakers
  • Draft visa invitations for speakers who may need it
  • Logistical help with the conference on the spot on 3 and 4 March 2025 (compulsory presence during the entire event)
  • Help with final travel reimbursement and accounting
  • Other event-related administration tasks


Your background and qualifications

  • Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing (at least B2-C1)
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel
  • Experience with making your own travel arrangements
  • Great interpersonal skills and can communicate with a range of different stakeholders
  • Ability to work in an international team involving both junior and senior colleagues and can work independently
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Teamwork
  • You are kind, empathetic, with deep respect for diversity, willing to learn and have a creative spirit.  
  • Volunteering, an internship or work experience in events organisation is a plus. 


What CEPS can offer

We offer full-time temporary employment until the end of the event. We would like the preferred candidate to ideally start end of November at the latest. The role will be based in Brussels.

More information

Further information about the position can be obtained from Andrea Bittnerová, Senior Events and External Relations Manager, andrea.bittnerova@ceps.eu

Application and deadline

CEPS strongly values and actively pursues diversity. We encourage applications especially from female, LGBTQ+ candidates and candidates belonging to ethnic groups that are under-represented at CEPS.


Applicants are requested to send

Please send the documents (drafted in English) in pdf format to applications@ceps.eu by 30  September, with ‘Job Title – Unit Name’ in the subject line. 

Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. CV and personal data of non-selected candidates are not shared with anyone outside CEPS and will be deleted immediately after the recruitment process. For more information, read our privacy policy available on the CEPS website.


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